Client Celebrations

"When I told Keri I quit my job of 20 years, she said, “Congratulations now the Universe can meet you and support you as you align with your truth.” She said, “Watch the resources fall in line to support you.”
That's Keri! Nothing holds her back and that attitude is contagious. As a Medicine Woman, I had a story about charging for my services. It was steeped in lack and scarcity. With my support from, Keri she has taught me how to fully step into my abundance frequency.
Mostly, she has helped me to embrace an abundant lifestyle that suits me--including an abundance of creativity, community, love, and great financial abundance that has been a huge turning point in my business. Keri has taught me that it's not blasphemy in the spiritual healing arts profession to live prosperously.
Keri is my go-to-gal for staying aligned to a healthy, abundant appetite for the pleasures of life."
-Chonteau Blake McElvin, Founder of Soul Care University
"I first met Keri from a dear friend's raving recommendation and she told me that she was having a shadow immersion retreat soon. She said "I'm not sure what it will be about exactly, but all I know is that anything Keri does is amazing and worth doing." She then pointed me to a podcast interview with Keri, and after listening to it I felt so much resonation I followed the call to attend the retreat and join the Sacred Soul Sisterhood.
This year I will be attending my third shadow immersion retreat with Keri, and in between I have received her coaching support.
I have experienced so much expansion through our work together. As I gave myself permission to receive support I realized how much I give and how hard it was to truly receive. I have stepped into my power and found my voice. I have experienced safety in visibility, really allowing myself to be seen and to speak my truth. This has led to very unexpected places, including political office, giving speeches at a rally with celebrities and starring in a video. I gifted myself an intensive with Keri at the end of September 2018. We worked on my idea to develop my app and all the fear that brought up for parts of me around visibility and truly allowing myself to be seen on a larger platform. The experience is hard to put into words but it was powerful and transformative. The next month incredible things happened, unexpected opportunities for visibility came into my life and I ended up on the A section of the Washington Post, and was interviewed on the local Telemundo news. All these things happened with ease and I found myself on tv, on video, my photo in the paper, speaking on a microphone with confidence and power in a way that felt almost surreal
These are things I would NEVER in a million years imagine myself doing.
In addition to receiving more abundance in my private practice, attracting my ideal clients with ease and
Through this transformative work I have an embodied awareness that my power and worthiness lives inside of me, and they are not conditional or externally based.
I have found my tribe and I am so grateful to Keri for creating this soft place for me to land, in sisterhood, and most importantly, inside myself."
-Jazmin Moral, LCSW-C
"I circled working with Keri for about 2 years. I'd approach cautiously, ask questions, have a call or do a group here or there with her, but not fully commit. I think I didn't commit because I knew that when I worked with her, I'd really be dealing with my shit. Well, that's true. Having worked with Keri for three months now, it's some of the deepest quickest healing I've had because she has this uncanny skill for honing in on the essence of things and framing it back to me in the way that my soul actually needs. It's a being seen that I've been both afraid of and craving. Now I know that there's nothing to be afraid of when working with Keri. I look forward to being seen in our sessions and in Voxer because the parts of me that need healing show up excited to do the work. Forever grateful."
- Kat Kaeni, PSY. D, PMH-C
“Before working with Keri, my practice was constricted and restricted to mostly sexual abuse victims and low paying clients with lots of court involvement and a giant slow-down after an internet scam. After giving myself permission to receive Keri’s mentorship, my practice is now overflowing with an abundance of full-fee, private pay, ideal clients who fill me up. My sacred work with Keri and my soul sisters has allowed me to receive abundantly and show up authentically in my work and in my world, I am so very grateful!”
-Kirsten Goffena, LPC, RPT-S
“Before working with Keri my practice was not as connected with my soul intentions. After giving myself permission to receive Keri’s support, I'm more able to work with my intuition and show up fully in my gifts as a healer. Keri has also helped me to fully realize how my podcast, Therapy Chat, can be a needed light in the world, by working with me to find my voice in the medium and find the courage to make changes in the name and show art. I am currently averaging 61,000 listens/month!”
-Laura Reagan, LCSW-C
"Keri came into my life/biz a couple of years after I made a life transition into full-time private practice. I took an online course of hers and realized she was special, solid, and spiritual. When she invited me to join the Sacred Soul Circle for Healing Entrepreneurs, I jumped! Before working with her and interacting in the circle, I felt more struggle, worry, and need to control. Being in the circle I feel like I am coming back to myself, my healing, and my intuitive-self that’s been hiding under a screen of fear and need to control. Now my energy feels different, my therapy business has a steady flow, and I am feeling ready to take my business in more directions than I would have previously considered."
-Mari Grande, LCSW-R, LCAT, ATR-BC, PsyA, EMDR CIT
"Before Keri: I was going between working part time in private group practice where I was unsupported and underpaid to coming home feeling tired, disconnected, and depressed. I was stuck in my own self-destructive patterns and yearned for connection, to fully be seen as an individual, but also receive support on how to grow as a therapist and healer.
During my time with Keri: I started to explore the present and past life patterns that kept me stuck in a space of suffering. I began to be seen more fully in the presence of Keri and in our Soul Circle Group. I started to share my thoughts, feelings and creative ideas more openly. Met one- on-one with Keri for several healing intensives and a group intensive for deeper levels of releasing, healing and creating. And I moved to another state to start the next phase of my journey.
Now: I quit my job and even stood up to my boss legally, winning my case in Chicago and energetically connected with a job in community counseling in CA that agreed to pay me more than my asking price. I went from making $30,000 (salary) in Chicago to $72,000 (salary) in CA within one month of moving. I started a staff support group at my new job integrating oracle cards, essential oils, and meditation to allow for self-care and healing in the workplace. I am starting private practice in LA and just found a space and wrote the first copy for my website outing myself as a therapist and spiritual healer. I am also working on integrating Ballroom Dancing and therapy and am taking steps to connect with a dance teacher that will collaborate on this modality I hope to create.
I am so excited to see how more mentoring with Keri will help shape my personal and professional awakening!"
-Rachel Koutnik, LCSW
“Before working with Keri my practice was reflective of how I was living my life: playing small and not allowing myself to be seen. In addition to that, I kept spinning my wheels, without connecting to my soul and its deep inner knowing, and wondering why things weren't working.
After giving myself permission to receive Keri and the soul circle community's support, my practice and my life have changed incredibly! It's as though I'm a whole new woman: I am no longer playing small, I am connected with my soul, I take inspired action based on what my deep inner knowing shares with me, and I am living a life in complete alignment with the Divine Flow and design for my life.
I am tremendously grateful for the work I have done with Keri and all of the ways she sat with me and guided me through the darkness so that I could connect with my own light. Keri isn't afraid of the dark and she allows her own intuitive wisdom to share powerful, consciousness awakening words with us.
The work I have done and continue to do is one of the best investments for me and in my life!”
- Shirani Pathak, LCSW
“Before I met Keri, I had invested in other coaching programs, which left me frustrated that I couldn’t make the progress I had thought I would. I felt that I connected with Keri’s genuineness and transparency. Working with Keri has brought me into deep Self-Acceptance, and into finding the ways in conducting business that fits best for me. I feel peaceful with my experience of the world- both seen and unseen, and truly stepping into a new expression of myself as a teacher and a mentor. I’ve participated in monthly Soul Circles, Healers Retreats, and Intensives to facilitate my growth and expansion. This Journey has truly been a gift to myself as well as to those with whom I’ve been working.”
- Stacey Horn, LCSW, CHT