I am listening and walking with you

Hey loves,

I know that many of us are asking the question “how can I help?” right now.

While most of us healers are beautifully well-intentioned, we also have unconscious bias, privilege and prejudices that must be unearthed and illuminated to hold the depth and safety of space that all of our clients need and in this moment especially our clients and colleagues of color.

As someone who facilitates and teaches shadow work, I am deeply committed to shining a light on my own blind spots and will be continuing to heal and hire people of color to support me in seeing what I cannot yet see so my communities feel and ARE safe spaces for our Black brothers and sisters.

I know this time can feel overwhelming, heartbreaking, awkward, vulnerable and confusing. It’s a lot for all of our nervous systems to hold. And this is not a reason to bury our heads or hearts in the sand. We can do hard things and we can do them together.

If you’ve been wondering what you can do, I’m sharing a link in my bio to resources for Anti-Racism for Beginners that was compiled by @Melissa_griffin and I invite you to explore and act on as you are called given where you are on this journey.

I am listening and walking with you.

Let’s stand together for what we know in our hearts is right even when it’s uncomfortable. 💗 Keri. 

Anti-Racism for Beginners


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