Hello Awakening Healer!

Reminisce with me, will you? This week I'm reflecting on my healer shadows.

I remember when I was overworked and allowing myself to be underpaid. #HealerShadow

I was saying yes to clients that didn't truly resonate with the heart of my passion and purpose and I was anxious and overwhelmed most days (although I never would have told you that at the time because I was so busy pretending and convincing myself that all was well).

I was under the spell of "helper-hood" that says my needs take a back seat to the vulnerability of my clients and this was an expensive price to pay for my own well-being. Ouch!

I don't have a miracle story about the exact moment when I instantly changed this reality, but what I do have is an awareness of a gradual shift that began about 9 years ago as I woke up to the pain of how I was treating myself and the impact this was having on my work, my body, and my life.

One step at a time, I began to tell myself the truth about what I wanted and slowly took steps to align my reality with these truths. It didn't happen over night, but with each choice I made to honor myself, I became more present, more peaceful and more alive. I began loving myself and my work enough to be honest about what I chose to spend my time and energy doing and what made more sense to set boundaries around to honor my freedom and truth.

Today, more days than not I adore my schedule and the expression of my work in the world.

I feel connected to who I am and why I'm here and I know that there is no "client-centered" without being "self-centered" first so I am present in relationships with clients.

If you're feeling a resonation with my journey, I'd like to invite you to join me for a special online event coming up called The Transformational Healers Summit that I'm honored to be included in!

This is a free event for healers with a collection of 21 conversations with healing visionaries who are supporting us in waking up to how we can shine a light on our shadows and do our work from a sacred space of wholeness.

I said yes to sharing my time and energy on the Transformational Healers Summit because its creator, Arianna Gray's vision so beautifully aligns with what I believe about the helping profession-- that we are called to be supported so we can continue to support.

Join me as I shine alongside beautiful souls like Joan Borysenko, Amy Weintraub, Bill O'Hanlon, Lloyd Burnett, Jennifer Sneeden and more!

Click here to learn more and sign up free now

Can't wait to share this space together and to hear what resonates with you!

Gently inward and onward,


And more magic unfolding this week...

P.S. As always, a new weekly cosmic forecast is live right here on the Galactic Vibrations site for you.

P.P.S. The free live Pendulum web class happens tomorrow 3/21 at 1pmEST/10amPST. Click here to save your seat

P.P.P.S. My App is Live! My App is Live! Get a Message From Shadow right on your phone anytime. Click here to purchase and download now


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