Healing the Disconnect

A Love Letter to my business...

"Dear Beloved Business,

I’m sorry for the moments I forced you to be what I wanted instead of listened to who you actually are.

I’m sorry for times when I judged you for not being enough.

I’m sorry I abandoned you when you didn’t do what I wanted.

I’m sorry I haven’t shared my appreciation for the ways you have taken care of me.

I’m sorry for only showing up when I feel like you give me what I want.

I’m sorry for moments when I checked out instead of stayed connected to you so we could work it out as a team.

I’m sorry for moments of pressuring you to support me instead of meeting you and realizing the ways you already supported me.

The deepest truth is that I’m not perfect but I believe in you and what we can create together and I’m here to serve our highest expression.

I’m here now and I’m listening.
Love, Keri”

When we realize our business is an entity of its own for us to be in a relationship with instead of something to control or manipulate, a magical shift happens.
Don’t just take my word for it though. If you wrote a love letter to your business, what would it be?

I’d love to read it!

Let’s heal the disconnects together and enter deep communion with our purpose so we can serve abundantly together, ok?

I’m here for you if you need support,


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