6 Resources that Make My Practice Tick

Today I’m taking you on a journey behind the scenes of KeriNola.com headquarters so you can see the 6 resources that make my business tick.

Just like you, day in and day out I rely on a handful of resources that support the operation of my business and I realized that one of the more common questions I get asked by healers I mentor and support is, “what do you use for this?” and “what do you use for that?”

So this got me thinking that it may be time to make a master list and share it with you in case these resources may be supportive to the running of your work as well.

In no particular order, here are the resources I use most regularly:

Acuity supports all of my scheduling needs. This allows me to send a link to my calendar to clients or prospective clients to book their time without either of us having to engage in a long round of phone tag.  Acuity can also accept payments and have people fill out documents such as client agreements, registration forms, etc. Depending on the plan you choose, it also has a variety of reminder options (text & email) to keep your clients posted about their appointments if you like to do that and it syncs beautifully with my google calendar.  They even offer a free 14 day trial so you can test drive it and see what you think! And then plans begin as low as $10/month.  Click here to check out acuity now

Simplero runs the majority of my online business. This system is an all in one platform (similar to InfusionSoft or Ontraport) that easily handles communication with my clients/customers, including mailing list opt-ins and emails, creating landing and sales pages, hosting, selling, and delivering virtual products and services. You name it, if it has to do with a virtual business, Simplero likely does it. If you have ever signed up for one of my events, bought one of my products or virtual services, or gotten one of my emails, then you’ve likely interacted with Simplero as a user. Need an affiliate program-Simplero’s got your back. Want to drip feed content for a program out on a particular schedule–done. Want to create a video landing page to invite people to sign up for a virtual event–you’re covered. Want to communicate with your tribe via email–no problem! Simplero’s founder has become a wonderful friend and supporter of my work and I continue consciously choosing his software because he has beautiful energy and his thoughtful intentions are infused all over Simplero from special touches like custom greetings when you sign in, to affirmations at the click of a button if you feel frustrated during your work day…it’s amazing! The best news is that Simplero offers a free trial (no credit card required) to test drive for as long as you want. You only put your credit card in and begin paying when you’re ready to make your first sale and send your first email. How’s THAT for customer service? Click here to check out Simplero now

Trello is my project management software. I use this to manage all of my projects personally, with my team and any partnerships or collaborations that I may engage in.  Each day me and my assistant communicate with one another about what’s going on and our status with different tasks in Trello. It’s a fast and easy way to organize “to-do” list and project tasks and to track the progress. This took the million post it notes off my desk and helped me to have everything in one place. I felt immediately more productive and organized once implementing this system and it allowed me to feel less overwhelmed and more inspired to get things done. My favorite features of Trello are the app which allows me to quickly make notes and keep current with my projects on the road, including fast communication with my team and the function of due dates and alerts to keep me current and aware of deadlines. Best news? It’s basic version is wonderful and FREE Click here to check out Trello now

 Last Pass is my password savior!  How many times have you lost a password and felt frustrated by the process of having to reset it or getting it re-sent to you? That used to be the story of my life until investing in Last Pass. It’s been a dream to have all of my passwords organized in folders and held securely in one place so I can quickly access all of my various accounts online. This has also helped make life easier with my team so my assistant doesn’t have to contact me every time I ask her to do something on my behalf as everything is saved in a folder for her to access so she can do her job with ease. I know there are several programs like this one, but I can only speak to Last Pass as this is the one I’m familiar with, but whether you use this one or something else, I would highly recommend putting something like this in place for your business. Click here to check out Last Pass

Zoom is my video meeting and webinar platform.  This service rocks my world every time I use it. Forget skype, Zoom is where it’s at for consistent, quality video conferencing and webinars. It’s affordable (they have free and paid versions depending on what you want to use it for) and it’s amazing! Record video conversations or meetings, record yourself giving a powerpoint presentation, host a webinar for 100+ people. I use Zoom for my team meetings weekly, I record my blog videos on Zoom, I create training videos on Zoom, I host webinars on Zoom–anything related to video, I go to Zoom. Wonderful customer service and support as needed and constantly upgrading and adding new features! Good news! They have a FREE account and you can upgrade based on your needs Click here to check out Zoom **This is not a HIPAA compliant resource for licensed health professions to use for sessions.

HootSuite is my social media scheduler. I love staying connected with my community online AND I don’t want to be glued to my computer 24/7 so I use HootSuite to occasionally schedule social media posts on Facebook and Twitter so that I can share valuable content on a regular basis and then spend my time live on social media connecting and interacting instead of posting information. There are a lot of mixed opinions when it comes to automating content on social media. For me, social media automation isn’t a replacement for my interaction and presence, it is a supporter of the process allowing me to spend the majority of my time supporting my clients so when I do pop onto social media, I can respond to community questions, comments, etc rather than having to spend my time posting, which is easily done through automation. Click here to check out HootSuite and see what you think.

Well there you have it! My 6 favorite resources that have my back.

While there are certainly a handful of other programs and resources that support me, these are my 6 “go to” resources on a daily and weekly basis. I hope that you will find value in something that I shared here as you continue connecting with resources that will best inspire and support the evolution of your work in the world as well.

Now the next big question is WHEN do you activate these resources or similar ones in your business?

And my honest answer is I have no idea.

Helpful, huh? lol

But seriously, the answer is going to be different for everyone and the good news is no decision is final so you can start or stop any of these resources at any time if you change your mind.

For me, I rarely feel “ready” when I make a decision to integrate a new resource into my business. I usually feel unsure, doubtful and scared.

Is it too much money?

Am I ready for this?

Do I need this right now?

Any of those questions sound familiar?

What I know for sure is that when we are on the verge of expansion, we often feel afraid and uncomfortable and want to contract, shrink, or play small.

If you’re feeling uncertainty or doubt, it may be a sign that you are ready to put some new resources in place to help you raise the vibration and energy of your business. Surrendering to support has always been one of the fastest ways that I have expanded my work and taken significant inspired actions.

So right now I invite you to pause, breathe, and ask yourself: Is it time for me to choose a new resource to welcome support in my business?

And listen very closely to your body and heart as the answer is revealed to you.

 I’m curious.

Which of these resources are you feeling called to test drive?

Which resources currently support your business daily?

Share with us in the comments below

In the spirit of transparency, I want you to know that I am an affiliate for some of the resources I shared here. This means that if you choose to check it out and sign up I may receive some abundance in return. I want to be clear that I only affiliate with resources that I personally use or have used and have experienced as beneficial and supportive to my business. I realize that what works for me may or may not work for you as we have different businesses and preferences so I invite you to explore each resource as you feel led and choose what works for you.


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